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- ​音声日記で変わる わたしの新習慣 -

思い出&感情の共有 ジャーナリングアプリ    Musuhi

 Journaling Apps that allows users to share memories and emotions
to enhance wellbeing by capturing life logs with images and voice "Musuhi"


Voice Album


​【 音声ジャーナリング 】

You can record your feelings in your voice and save your life log with a single image to look back on it as your own personal “voice album”.

【 Voice Journaling 】


Message Gift


​【 聞く手紙 】

You can add a text message about an experience or feeling you want to share with someone, and specify the date and time you want to deliver it.

【 Voice Letter 】


Voice Book


​【 音声版寄書き 】

​Collect voice thoughts from multiple people in a voice message with images and deliver them to the recipient you wish to send, or save/share them as memories.

【 Collaborative Letter 】

 Founder Story


父が他界してから9年後、引っ越しで押し入れの整理をしていた時、父の筆跡で「敏康 成長記」とラベリングされた1本のカセットテープを見付けました。再生してみると、楽しそうに遊んでいる5・6歳の僕の声にかぶせるようにして、私に対しての思いやその時の気持ちを嬉しそうに話している父の声が録音されていました。4歳、5歳、6歳と年単位で人生の節目や何気ない日常を収録しているものでした。


このカセットテープはライフログのような父の人生や気持ちの記録だったのか、いつか子どもに聞いてもらうためのメッセージだったのか分かりませんが、録音されたカセットテープの存在を知らないままであったり、様々な要因で聞くことができなかったとしたら、メッセージを残した者・残してもらった者 両方にとって大きなペインだったことは確かです。


そんな原体験から、音声(言葉)の力や魅力を活かしたアプリを通じて、"多くの人が自分の人生のワンシーンをライフログとして記録/振り返ることでポジティブな感情を育み、思い出や感情を共有することで人とのつながりを深める、そしてメッセージ(気持ち/言葉/こころ)を送ること自体が一つのギフトとなり、多幸感や思いやりを感じる瞬間を可視化する"   そんな未来にしたいと思っています。



9 years after my father passed away, I was sorting through a closet when we moved and found a single cassette tape labeled “Toshiyasu Growth Record” in his handwriting. I played it back and found a recording of my father's voice happily talking about his feelings toward me and how he was feeling at the time, overlaid with my voice as a 5- or 6-year-old happily playing.

Hearing the message in the voice of my father, who was often on business trips and did not usually say such things, and who had a strict image, I was filled with nostalgia and gratitude, and felt his warm feelings toward me. I still remember that I felt as if my father in heaven was cheering me on to do my best. Thanks to that cassette tape, I was able to know my father's true feelings/what he wanted to tell me, and to know him as a person, and I think that feeling that my family was looking out for me/loving me helped to ease my unstable mental state.

On the other hand, if I could have remained unaware of the existence of the cassette tape on which this important message was recorded, or if I could have been unable to listen to it due to various factors, it is a big pain for both the person who left the message and the person who received the message.


Nowadays, thanks to smartphones, we can easily send messages and record/store memories. However, because of this ease of use, there is a feeling that irreplaceable memories are being buried, and that truly important feelings are not being conveyed or left behind.

Based on this original experience, we hope that through an application that takes advantage of the power and appeal of voice (words), “many people will be able to record and look back on scenes from their lives as a lifelog, thereby fostering positive emotions, and by sharing memories and feelings, deepening their connections with others, and sending a message itself becoming a gift. We would like to create a future in which sending a message itself becomes a gift and visualizes a moment of euphoria and compassion.

We believe that society will become more focused on the invisible, non-monetary value of people's thoughts/feelings/emotions, and that the world will move in the direction of digitizing and sharing emotional memories and voice feelings, and the value of accumulating feelings at the moment when the heart is moved. I believe that the world will become a wonderful world filled with emotional and positive feelings such as compassion and gratitude, even if only a little bit more than it is now, and if we can visualize a scene that makes us realize how wonderful life is, and realize a world where the feelings and emotions we felt at that moment will remain forever, I will be I would be more than happy.

The future we pursue

 その時に感じた気持ちや感動・体験を共有し 想いを気軽に伝え


    We will create a “Happiness Driven” world where people can share their feelings, emotions and experiences, 

    and easily convey their thoughts and messages to each other as gifts.


       We offer a life of wellbeing in which everyday life is enriched by accumulating moments and emotions that move you.



 We will let you know when the application is officially released.

If you would like to be contacted, please register your e-mail address by clicking the button below.

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